Affiliated to:


St George’s Hospital
ICD Patient Support Group

Promoting better understanding, diagnosis, treatment and quality of life for individuals with cardiac arrhythmia


Welcome to St. George’s Hospital ICD support group website.

We want to be available to you to discuss your problems and will help you to make contact with other patients and partners in similar circumstances. We know that many of you don’t need this support but many of you do and this is the service we will try and provide.

We have named the group Backup as we feel that this is what all our ICD patients need. We have been a support group since 1997 and were one of the first in the country. The first ICD in the UK was implanted at St. George’s in 1986 and we have provided an individualised service from that time. In the early days of ICD’s there were very few implanted so care was provided on a one to one basis. We have tried to uphold that principle and will do our best to provide help to anyone who needs it.

We hope that this website will provide access for patients and partners who need more information about their condition. We have partners contacts as well as patients so for anyone who has questions that they feel they may want to discuss with someone with similar experiences let us know and we will try and put you in touch with an appropriate contact.

If you want to discuss your problems please feel free to contact us.

We want you to contribute to this site and feel that you have ownership of it and participate with us to provide the information that you want.

Read our poster - click here.

Please let us know what you want.

Sue Jones
ICD Service Manager
St. George’s Hospital

St. George’s Hospital ICD group is affiliated to Arrhythmia Alliance

Arrhythmia Alliance is a coalition of charities, patient groups, patients, carers, medical groups and allied professionals. These groups all work together under the umbrella organisation of Arrhythmia Alliance to promote timely, effective diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias.
Sue Jones is a member of the Arrhythmia Alliance Executive Committee.